
Kate Leah Escalona

40 credits per 45 minutes

Field of Expertise

  • Engineer
  • Expertise Summary

    Instrument Engineering design work

    My Story

    Through the help of SLE team, my family & I arrived here in Canada last Jan. 1, 2023. I was the OWP & my husband was the Student. Before coming here to Canada, I already worked towards getting my EIT license knowing that engineering was a regulated profession here. After countless of job applications I sent online, I was fortunate enough to find an engineering job 1 month later. I applied through BC PNP during my first day of work (Feb 14). A week later, I got ITA from BC PNP and received nomination confirmation on March 11. 4 days after we got our invitation to apply for PR & officially applied last April 13. Everything happened so fast & now our family is just waiting for the results of our PR application. Hoping for the best!

    Disclaimer: SLE Planner is mainly focused on career mentorship, and guiding the students to prepare them for studies in Canada. This is also a platform for international students to connect with fellow alumni students in Canada. SLE Planner is not a Regulated Immigration Consultant, could not in anyway represent the student in immigration. We do not give legal advice unless it's facilitated by an Independent Regulated Immigration expert. Legal representation is subject for consultation/retainer agreement from the Independent Regulated Immigration Consultant.